Firelad and Watergal travel through dangerous Swamplands. These are full of thirsty Dice Monsters, that will use any means necessary to get every drop of water! Our heroine Watergal is, unfortunately for you, full of it. However, Firelad's intense heat can burn the monsters when he touches them. Kill all the monsters, protect Watergal and reach your destination safely! 

How to play

You are in control of Watergal and Firelad. Dice Monsters want to suck water from Watergal by touching her (game over). Firelad kills monsters by touching them. 

You are in possession of two dice that determine your movement (at start of the game you have two d6 -> six-sided dice). Each Dice Monster also has one die (shown in top part of each monster, e.g. d6). 

Each round the dice are rolled which gives the number of available movements (the bottom value on Dice Monsters; the only value on Watergal and Firelad). You can move as much spaces on the grid as equal to the number (but beware - Watergal and Firelad share the movements, distribute them among our heroes wisely). After each of your steps the monsters also move (if they have movement left). If you have more moves than monsters - they will wait for you to finish moving (but new monsters can appear!). If monsters have more moves, they will execute all moves after you run out of movement.  

You can upgrade (or downgrade) your dice by collecting purple bonuses - they always show the die you obtain by touching them. Your smallest die is exchanged for the one picked on space with the bonus. E.g. you have [d4, d6] and pick up d7, you will have [d6, d7]; you have [d4, d6] and pick up d2, you will have [d2, d6].  


WASD - controls Firelad

Arrows (left, up, right, down) - controls Watergal

Enter - scroll through information tab on the right

Space - restart game after game over

Watergal  Watergal - protect her at all cost (number inside = movements left for Watergal and Firelad together)

Firelad - can burn Dice Monsters (number inside = movements left for Watergal and Firelad together)

 Growing Dice Monster - cannot move this round (top number = the die the monster has, bottom number = movements left)

 Dice Monster - it wants to suck Watergal dry  (top number = the die the monster has, bottom number = movements left)

Bonus - pick it up to get the die hidden within


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I think there's a problem with the resolution, I think most of the game board is occluded

I'm having the same issue

It works for me - do you have the game in full screen? What screen resolution you have ? Do you have your browser window in "landscape" (it is wider than taller)?